My Life.
Thus Far. Directing a short film. It is coming again well and I am not worried. I have trust in my fellow colleagues and I know that they will get their job done as best as humanly possible. I have some amazing people working on the shoot. And I am happy to call it mine.
Could possibly be working on a feature. Possibly. It is unknown. We shall see.
I have a week off in the beginning of November so I am happy about that. Probably be doing a whole load of nothing. Yay.
But about me (for those care to read this far), I am doing well. I have finally gotten over something that has been on my mind for months. Upon months. At first, the sadness overwhelmed me and I did cry a little bit. Yes, very unmanly, but I'm gay. So fuck you all who don't think so. But, I had help and it got me through it and I believe my karma ratio is going up. I found ten dollars on the ground a couple of days ago and I am just feeling happy as a whole.
Relationship status is still single but why bother worrying? Everyone tells me to stop looking so that is exactly what I am going to do. Who knows? Maybe life will take me on an adventure. I hope it does.
I get to go home on the 21st and I am excited about that. I will be able to see a lot of my family and hopefully, most of my friends up in Rhode Island. Shouldn't be too hard to find considering they live in the smallest state in the country.
As for my goals, I know I am going to be something larger than life. And I will work as hard as I possibly can to reach it. Believe in me.
To all of you who are working hard and doing your absolute best on this film and to just those who are friends of mine, I love you all. You have a special place in my heart.
Nothing wrong with a man crying, gay or not. :) It's better than bottling it up inside and letting it destroy you.
Sounds like you're doing well - you have a good attitude about things. ^_^
See ya in November!! <3
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