Thanksgiving Break

Well, I am back home now in Florida...and I am hating it. I miss all those who I have been without for such a long time. Yes, they maybe a quick flight but to those who don't have a lot of money to spend on plane tickets, it seems like an eternity. I got to see my family. They are the best people you could ever ask for. They are supportive and loving.

One thing about leaving was, I didn't want to go. Every other time I left, I felt ready to go and I was ok with it...but now, I felt so depressed and on the verge of tears, I didn't want to go to the airport and leave.

I got to see my friends. I got to see my best friend. I miss them. I miss her. I didn't get to say goodbye but maybe it was meant to goodbye. I will be seeing her again. It's just depressing that I didn't get to say, "I'll see you later babe." I miss that already. Fuck me. haha.

One thing that I am excited about is the fact that after Christmas break, I only have six more months until I graduate. Then I can start my life. I can make my name and I promise all of you who read this, I will. All my family said to me and my parents, "he will be the one to make it. I feel it," and I will not disappoint them.

Believe in me. Believe in yourselves. Live you Life.

Three Weeks To Go. Countdown the Time, People.


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