Well, I have finally completed one film. Using actual Super 16mm Film stock which is almost never used in the industry anymore. It was quite exciting being the director. I got to see everyone work and help each other or fall apart together. It's amazing how one person can cause the rise or downfall of a film.
I heard from many people that I was doing very well and that lifted my spirits. I thought I did terrible but now that I think about it, I think I did okay. Better than I thought I would.
But my crew, despite some lazy people, were amazing. They all worked hard when I was with them on set. Things got done and they got done right. I hope to work with them again. One thing we do know how to do well, is have a kickass wrap party.
This coming month, we will be editing the footage. I will have my own version and there will be a selected version that someone did. I will have both. I will show some people very soon.
In six days, I will be leaving for home. It can't come any faster but I wish it would. I just want to go home and see friends, family, and eat some real food. Yay.
To all those that I worked with, thank you for making "my" shoot day as easy as possible for me.
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