Life's great mysteries

I write this to you, my first love. You changed my life. As tears stream down my face, I am accepting of the fate I have chosen. You will always be my first.. You have endowed me with many special qualities that I only achieved because of you. You have inspired me to realize that I am a good person and to not be insecure. To see that I am capable of having a relationship with someone who not only is beautiful, but beautiful on the inside too.

Life did not deal you a fair hand. If it did, maybe our fate would be woven differently. I would say I understand, but in truth..I will never truly understand your pain. I wish I could change all of it. Go back in time and meet you before all these bad things. Say to you, "I am from the future and I am here to save you." Surely, you wouldn't believe it then but I believe love will always be, whether it be 20 years ago or 2 weeks ago. I can picture in my head our first meeting and how wonderful it was. If only everyday could be as amazing as that one. It made me feel like nothing else mattered...only doing so I neglected so many others that were close to me. So many angry conversations that need not be had.

Above all else, I remember the look in your eyes and I will never forget. I never meant to hurt you and I know you never meant to hurt me either.

I will miss you with all of my heart, R. I want you to remember one thing and always keep this with you as long as you not let my last time seeing you be in a casket.

4♥ ImL

I Love You So Much

One day, we will have our own hutch
Just to feel your hands warm gentle touch
I always knew you'd be my crutch
Oh how I adore you such. ❤️😘❤️😘

There are only so many words used to describe someone and I believe I've used everyone at my disposal. You are them all my honey!

There is someone out there in the world who is my complete parallel. He knows who he is. Because of this parallel, him and I have fallen deeply in love. The kind of love only Shakespeare could write and then some.

I Love You With All My Heart ❤️❤️❤️❤️

I sent some invitations to your email. Make sure you look for them. If you don't get them, make sure you tell me so I can send them to the correct address. You'll like this. 

You are my wonderful man ; ) you make me feel so fantastic. I know you are thinking of me as I am thinking of you. 💋💋💋💋

I love you my darling. I miss your sweet face. I know you are coming babe. You are so strong. We both are. Because of love. I am so glad that we found it. I want to make breakfast and walk. And watch a good movie. Eat lots of nasty carbs after six ; ) jk we don't have to do that one.

You are my amazing man roger pie. You being wonderful makes me feel wonderful. It's such a feeling. Be careful and safe in the snow! It's a little treacherous out there. I Love You!

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