Thank you.

First, I wanted to start and say thank you Roger. You made me the happiest I could have ever been for a Christmas and that was after all the gifts!!! You gave me the best gift anyone could have ever received.. your love. From the bottom of my heart, I Love You so much. After thinking that it was a lost cause, I started to get sad. I was disappointed ya know? I want to talk to my man, the man I Love So much. Who no matter what he does it seems, I will never stay mad. I will always want to be in your life roger. No matter what goes on between us, I will always love you.

Secondly, I already can't wait to hear you again. When I saw the phone ring, my heart was in my throat. I heard your voice and immediate relief came over me. I finally got to hear my angel. After what seemed like a lifetime (haha) we finally got to talk to each other, and on Xmas night! Next year, my dear, we will definitely be spending it together and I want to wake up next to my man. That will be so glorious, especially the fun stuff :)

Roger, our road to success is a long one. We can't be hasty about things but you know anxious I am. I love you so much honey pie. Like I said to you before, life sucks. But at least life can suck together <3 <3 <3 <3 I'm not giving in. I'm not giving up.

I Love You more than anything!!!


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