Tales as old as time...
I know it's a lot to take in. Reading everything I write. Needless to say, you have met a man who is crazy about you in everyway. With all of these words, come my true emotions and you have seen that on me before. As you looked into my eyes, there should be no doubt about how much I Love You. There are so many words and things I would like to say that this blog wouldn't even touch it. My head is always filled with so much and it's all you, honey pie. I never thought a man could unjar me so. You have though and I'm so glad to know that you will be in my life.
I hope to look back on these words someday and remind ourselves that we went through hell and back to get what we wanted. We fought to the bitter end and we ended up being victorious. With you at my side, Roger... Dreams really can come true.
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