Breathe Heavy

It's a wonderful thing knowing you got someone out there in the world. It's funny that at one point, him and I, we didn't know each other existed. On that spectacular fourth day, I met him. I didn't really know what to expect when we had first set the date. I only saw pictures and we had chatted for quite some time beforehand to make sure we weren't pedophiles or something equally as heinous. When I first met him, I was so shocked. My first thought was,

"Oh. my. god. He is the most handsome man I've ever laid eyes on!"
Then we started to chat and then I think we both knew. Soulmates.

For anyone who reads this blog, you will never meet a man as captivating as my Roger pie. One look with those beautiful will start to breathe heavy :) and persperate. Your mind will race. That's how I feel when I look at him. I hope everyone gets to understand what I saying about him because if you haven't, you haven't captured life.


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