
I think we all aspire to be great; at what and how is left on to the user. Are you willing to go the distance and achieve dreams? Personally, I aspire to be great by taking photos and showing the personalities within them. If I had a wish, it would be to become a full time professional photographer. If you had a wish, what would you become? What would you wish?

Opportunities arise. The big opposition is can we grab ahold of the opportunity and use it to our advantage? Some of us are less fortunate and have to acquire "regular" jobs to even maintain some semblance of a lifestyle. Home of the free? Yeah, right. This day and age, not even a degree matters. You just have to get lucky and see the road in front of you.

I will not give up. There is no end to my madness. I will struggle like everyone else until I achieve and succeed in my dreams. There are no impossibilities. Perfect life may not be. Advantageous, it just may be.

To all those reading, never give up on what you believe in. Even in the moment where things are at their most dire of circumstances, persevere always.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


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