Are you Fucking Kidding Me?

After all the fucking hard work and effort I put into this project. The Pre-Production which took probably like 100-200 hours of my fucking time. The Production itself and all the fucking issues and problems that had to be fixed. I worked my goddamn balls off. And finally. Post-Production. I worked hard with my partner to work on a good goddamn edit. We had everything just right. Sound Effects. Ambience. Perfect Matching Cuts. And what the fuck do I have to show for it???

Some stupid ass motherfucker's edit. I get to watch someone's retarded edit on the big screen at grad fest because our class thinks that life and everyone else's work is a big fucking joke. I, honestly, can't wait to see them fucking fail. To see them fall on their asses and I roll up. I put in effort and take things seriously and what do I get? A big bag of dog shit just fell on top of my head.

i hate people. i hate teachers. i hate college. there is far too much hate. right now.


Lianne said...

Wait, what happened?

Did the "edit" (read: butcher) your project before showing it at the film fest?

Want for me to stab them, yes?

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