To me, you are the only man that matters. I Love You so very much my honey. 

Please stay safe my love. The snow is beautiful isn't it? Especially when the light shines on it in the dark. 

Roger, my darling, I miss you terribly. I need you in my life. By your side is where I am meant to be. It makes me feel whole. It's a feeling that only you and I can describe. We are going to be each other's love, forever. How extraordinary. 

You are the best thing that has ever happened to me.

I Love You more than there are words. I appreciate your words and use them everyday to bring me happiness. I think of your smiling face when I am lonely. You help me through my day. I know you are being strong and I commend you for that. It's not an easy thing to do. You have been given a wonderful opportunity and it will allow us to be closer sooner. I am so very excited! We are going to have a great life.

I recently read that a man who I used to idolize myself (small idol but still..) needs help too. Someone who has been around for a long time succeeding in life just showed me that he too needs a little hand. He is married happily with children and has been for years. It gave me even more hope than I already had. It just shows me that no matter who you are, we can all make it. The naysayers only see what they choose to see. Very narrow-minded. The only way to prove to this individuals is to show them how strong we really are. How strong you are. From the very first meeting, I knew I'd want to put my effort into you. After we got past all the initial hesitations, we finally started to figure out what to do. Sometimes, it takes individuals a little longer to figure it out. You can see all the improvements you have been making and how life seems now vs. before. I think it's fucking wonderful! I am so proud. Now, you can finally take the chance you needed and grab life by the balls. Along with mine too :)

It's difficult to concentrate on anything else other than yourself. I could be anywhere doing anything and you will always pop into my mind. I know we are meant to be. All I desire is to have you in my life. We make life enjoyable for each other and now we will have a bright future. Sometimes, we have to make sacrifices to get what we really want. Everyone reaches a point where they need some help. I know I have certainly. Now, it's my turn to pay it forward and do something that really means something to me. You mean the world to me and you are the only person I wish to make happy. To see that beautiful smile everyday would be the greatest pleasure in the universe.

I'm so happy now. I'm always gonna miss you my darling but now I just feel so much better. Our future is going to shine very brightly and it's because we don't give up. 

It's the best feelin in the world knowing someone is out there who's coming for you. You are the greatest man. And I'm so happy you are the one. ; )

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