There will never be a day where you don't enter my mind. We have said so many beautiful words to each other. We have discussed our future and how we can be happy. We know that we can and will be.
Sometimes, the negative pops up and it can be very discouraging. However, I think about everything we say and how we feel when we are with each other. I could have the most depressing, awful day and just being near you would perk me up in an instant. I wish for you to know that there doesn't have to be a deadline. My deadline ends when we are together. Until then, keep believing that Matthew will stay Roger's man. After all, we may have a tough time sometimes but when we get right down the nitty gritty, We Love Each Other. I love doing nice things for you. I enjoy being selfless because it makes me feel like I am on top of the world. I know you are a wonderfully generous man and when the right time comes along, I know you will do the same for me.
I am going to help you Roger pie. There are people in the world who are there to help you along your way and when they aren't there, life becomes much more difficult. You helped me understand something that I should have seen all along but I didn't. I want you to know from the bottom of my heart, you will not be abandoned by me. As long as you love me, you will never be alone. I will prove it to you, like I have with other things. Not only that, I am going to be that man for you. One you never had. If there is anyone in the world who you would accept, I'd like to imagine that it's me. Our Love is stronger than any rope. Than any string. Than any piece of metal. Our Love binds us together, fused by how we feel when we are together. When I am with you, I am invincible.
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